Etac Swift

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    Shower stool/chair designed with functionality and simplicity in mind

    Swift is a prize-winning series of shower stools/chairs designed with functionality and simplicity in mind. The basic shower stool can easily be transformed to a complete shower chair, by adding arms and back supports.

    Stable on any floor

    Etac Swift has a unique design that adapts to uneven floors thanks to the flexible seat. The soft, high quality ferrules adapt to the floor and ensure a good grip. All these features contribute to the users safety.

    Changes with the circumstances

    Swift is adaptable to different needs. It is possible to start using the shower stool and add arm supports and back support if the circumstances change. Swift is easy to adjust to the required height with the telescopic legs. It can be set one step lower at the front for a slightly forward tilted seat to facilitate standing up. Soft pads which are specially suited for showering are available should extra comfort be needed.

    Easy to handle

    Swift is easy to handle thanks to its light weight. It comes flat-packed and is assembled without the need for any tools. Swift is also corrosion free and comes with a 5 year warranty!