Argyll™ II

The well-regarded Argyll mattress supports the management and care of patients, minimising the risk and burden of pressure injuries. When used in conjunction with clinical expertise, the Argyll results in improved quality and safety of care.

For patients who have existing and potentially severe pressure damage, the digital control unit offers dual functionality, with alternating and CLP (Constant Low Pressure) therapy modes.

The Argyll is one of our most popular prescribed systems in home care and care home settings, where efficacy and patient needs are balanced with value for money.

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    Product features of Argyll™ II

    ‘Skin kind’ mattress cover:
    Infection control
     – The water-resistant, multi-stretch, breathable cover has welded seams and an antimicrobial coating, ensuring a robust defence against water ingress, whilst promoting effective infection control.

    Multi-functional digital control unit:
    Easy to use – The control unit provides healthcare workers with options for tailoring care with alternating, CLP and Static surfaces

    8 inch (200mm) deep PU Cells:
    Patient comfort – The large, deep nylon PU cells cyclically inflate and deflate in an alternating pattern, providing direct pressure relief.

    CLP (Constant Low Pressure) option:
    Enhanced healing – CLP is an alternative therapy mode, which promotes patient immersion.

    CPR Pull Cord:
    Protecting patient safety – The CPR function aids rapid deflation when medical emergencies occur.

    Transport Mode:
    Reducing patient discomfort – Activating the transport mode ensures that the mattress remains stable and doesn’t create unnecessary movement or pressure on the patient’s body during transportation. This helps prevent discomfort, pain, and potential injury during movement.

    Two-year warranty:
    Value for money – The multi-featured Argyll demonstrates great value for money, backed by a two-year warranty.